May the Divine Light of Diwali Spread into your Life Peace, Prosperity, Happiness and Good Health.
Namastetu Mahaamaaye Shree peetthey SurpoojiteyShankha chakra gadaa hasteyMahaalaxmi Namostutey
Namastey Garooda roodheyKola asura bhayankariSarva paapa harey DeviMahaa Laxmi Namostutey
Sarvagyey Sarvey-VaradeySarva-dushta BhayankareeSarva-dukha harey DeviMahaLaxmi Namostutey.
Sidhee- Budhee pradey Devi,Bhukti Mukti pradaayanee,Mantra-Moortey sadaa Devi,MahaLaxmi Namostutey.
Aadi-Anta rahitey Devi,Aadi- Shakti Maheshwari,Yogajey Yogasambhutey,MahaaLaxmi namostutey.
Sthoola Sukshma Mahaa roudreyMahaaShakti MahodareyMahaa paapa harey Devi,MahaaLaxmi Namostutey
Padma Aasan Sthitey Devi,Para Brahma Svaroopini,Parmeshi Jagan Maatar,MahaLaxmi Namostutey.
Shwet Aambar dharey Devi,Nana Alankaara Bhooshitey,Jagat Sthitey Jagan Matar,MahaaLaxmi Namostutey.
II Meaning of Mahalaxmi Mantra-Mahalakshmi Ashtak Strotra II
O Mahaamaya, abode of fortune who art worshipped by the Devas,I salute Thee:O MahaaLaxmi, wielder of conch, disc and mace,obeiscance to Thee.
Who ridest the Garuda,And art a terror to Asura Kola:O Devi MahaaLaxmi remover of all miseries,My obeisance to Thee.
O Devi MahaLaxmi who knowest all,
Giver of all boons,
A terror to all the wicked,
Remover of all sorrow,
Obeisance to Thee.
O Devi, Giver of Intelligence and Success,
And of worldly enjoyment and liberation,
Thou hast always the mystic symbols
As Thy form, O MahaLaxmi, obeisance to Thee.
O Devi, Maheshwari,
without a beginning or an end,
O Primeval Energy,
Born of Yoga,
O MahaLaxmi,
obeisance to Thee.
O MahaLaxmi who art both gross and subtle,
Most terrible, great Power, great prosperity,
And great Remover of all sins,
obeisance to Thee.
O Devi, seated on the Lotus,
who art the Supreme Brahman,
the great Lord and Mother of the Universe,
O MahaLaxmi, obeisance to Thee.
O Devi, robed in white garments,
and decked with various kinds of ornaments,
Thou art the Mother of the Universe,
O MahaLaxmi, Obeisance to Thee.
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